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"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because

it is the power of God that brings salvation to

everyone who believes."

Romans 1:16

Alpha and Omega VE Commerical 2017-2018
Alpha & Omega

Alpha and Omega VE Commerical 2017-2018

Alpha & Omega Company

Alpha & Omega Company

Alpha Omega was  established on August 5, 2011 as a C-Corporation.  We are currently the only Christian based firm in the Virtual Enterprise network. We specialize in selling Christian resource products such as Bibles, apparel, and accessories.

Chief Executives

Chief Executives

The Chief Executives supervise our employees and departments to make sure we are creating the best products and customer service.

Sales Department

Sales Department

The Sales Department excels in managing the product line and monitoring inventory.

Marketing Department

Marketing Department

The Marketing Department specializes in the visual aesthetics and design aspects of branding and product.

Human Resources Department

Human Resources Department

The Human Resources Department handles complications that may occur within the company.

Administration Department

Administration Department

The Administration Department organizes extra curricular activities for the Alpha and Omega Company.

Accounting Department

Accounting Department

The Accounting Department is dedicated to recording, both with accuracy and precision, the monetary transactions within the Alpha and Omega Company.

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